VIRTUAL Learning

Classroom GRADE Codes:

1st = OPBLAMA 2nd = AJT6DNI 3rd = AJYJKG7 4th = AUZEPMD 5th = HDWX5RP

Digital Learning Expectations

Be on time

  • Please make sure you are on time for your art class.

  • Google Meet links will be posted in your PE Google Classroom for you to join.

be respectful

  • There will be a LOT of us on Google Meet for PE at the same time.

  • PLEASE be respectful and a good digital citizen!

  • Mute your microphone when you are not speaking

do your best

  • Virtual PE class can be tricky since I am not there to help you, but just do your best!

  • I know you are all want to stay healthy and improve your fitness levels!

  • Practice makes permanent and hopefully perfection if done correctly!